What you can achieve with vision training - Online Visiontraining
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What you can achieve with vision training

What you can achieve with vision training

What can you achieve with vision training? What can you expect from the eye exercises? How quickly can you expect results for myopia, corneal curvature or presbyopia and problems with eye coordination? Will success last a lifetime? Questions about questions that we answer here.

Find out here how long it will probably take for you to reach your training goal if your eyesight is impaired.

Eye exercises for myopia

If you are only slightly nearsighted with less than -2 dioptres, you will usually have improved your vision by several lines on the visual chart after two weeks of eye training.

If you have more nearsightedness, it can also happen quite quickly, as for example with a man from the USA with -3.75 dioptres.

He was constantly doing visual exercises and after a few weeks of eye training, myopia had disappeared.

Others take longer to achieve success. If myopia is more severe, one should proceed step by step. So don’t get discouraged. The most important thing is that you continue to train consistently.

As a general rule, the more often and longer you train, the faster you will achieve success in vision training.

Vision training for corneal curvature

With corneal curvature, most participants already make progress after the first eye exercises.

Astigmatism shifts further into the distance or visual disturbances decrease. In most cases the curvature of the cornea disappears completely after a few weeks.

If the corneal curvature is very severe and prolonged, it may take longer. In this case you should exercise patience – in the end the result will be visible.

Vision exercises for presbyopia

If you have only recently started wearing reading glasses due to presbyopia, now is the perfect time to start eye training.

In this case, it may be sufficient to practice intensively for a few days to get rid of your reading glasses.

It is best to plan a weekend for your vision training during which you can do your exercise every 15 minutes. You will no longer need your reading glasses after the eye training and will enjoy a new feeling of life – completely relaxed without reading glasses.

Visual exercises for problems with eye coordination

Eye coordination problems are often not perceived as such because eye coordination is rarely checked. Or has this been done before?

For a good functioning of our vision it is important that both eyes are always focused on what you are looking at.

If the point where both eyes meet, the so-called convergence point, is either too close or too far in the distance, you will occasionally see things twice or blurred.

Eye coordination works best when both eyes have the same vision. Even small differences in visual acuity can affect your eye coordination.

Eye coordination exercises can be exhausting and should be done gently and slowly. The eye training for problems with eye coordination is built up gradually and depending on the degree of imbalance of your eye coordination, you start at the respective level with your training.

First successes usually start after the first few days.

Does the success of the vision training remain the same?

The answer is yes. The successes achieved through eye training are retained for a lifetime.

Depending on the severity of the visual impairment, some people may need to do eye exercises over a longer period of time, but the results they achieve over time are retained. Those who have succeeded in restoring their natural vision through visual exercises can enjoy it into old age.

You will then see again in the way nature has intended for you. Leo Angart himself is living proof of this. The bestselling author of the book “Forget Your Glasses” was short-sighted for 26 years. He had five and a half dioptres, so he could only see about 20 cm far.

With such poor vision he even needed two glasses – one for reading and one for distance vision. He managed to regain his natural vision after only three months of eye exercises.

Leo Angart has been looking after his eyes ever since and does relaxation exercises every now and then. He no longer does the eye exercises except in his seminars and videos to show how they are done. He sees today, with over 70 years in the distance and the proximity quite wonderfully.

You can do that too.