Knowledge Page - Online Visiontraining by bestselling author Leo Angart
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Knowledge Page

Interesting facts about vision, your eyes and PC work

Our eyes, as our most important sensory organs, convey most of the information about our environment. If our vision is reduced or destroyed...

Our eyes are the weak point of technological progress. Our visual perception is a very fine and complex process involving the eyes and the...

The process of seeing takes place In the brain All information received by the eye is processed in our brain to form an image....

Vision Training can significantly improve eye problems such as astigmatism, myopia or presbyopia and improve vision in general. Vision Training: Improve vision with targeted...

What is presbyopia? If you are over 40 years old, and you have to move texts you read further and further into the distance,...

What's the difference between far-sightedness and presbyopia? Far-sightedness (hyperopia) and presbyopia differ - not only in name. Simply explained, the difference is as follows:People...